Saturday, June 28, 2014

Grilled Spatchcocked Chicken

Grilled Spatchcocked Chicken

Spatchcocked is a cutting technique to split and flatten a whole chicken.  Using this method, you can grill a chicken in half the time and have an extra-crispy skin with juicy meat.  With the kitchen shears, this easy cut up the backbone can be done in minutes. A perfect entree for this Fourth of July celebration.

3 to 4 pound chicken
1 cup Italian dressing

Place the whole chicken breast side down on a cutting board.  Using kitchen shears or a sharp knife, cut along both sides of the backbone starting at the thigh end.  Remove the backbone.  Flip the chicken over and open like a book.  Press firmly to crack the breastbone to flatten.  Place the flattened chicken and the Italian dressing in a zip lock bag and coat the chicken with the dressing.  If not using immediately, refrigerate the chicken until the coals are ready.  Remove the chicken from the marinating sauce and place on the grill skin side down over a medium-hot fire.  Close the cover and grill for 15 minutes.  Flip the chicken and insert a meat thermometer in the breast.  Close the cover again and grill for 20 minutes or until the thermometer registers 165 F. Remove the chicken onto a platter and let rest for 10 minutes before carving.  Serve with barbque sauce of your choosing.

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