Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Deviled "Pumpkin" Eggs

Deviled “Pumpkin” Eggs

For your Halloween party and even Thanksgiving, these pumpkin shaped deviled eggs make a memorable side-dish or appetizer.

8 eggs
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon paprika, more for sprinkling
Two dashes orange food coloring
3 chives cut into ½ inch pieces, total of 16

In a large pot, cover the eggs with water, put a lid on the pot and bring the eggs to a boil.  Turn off the heat and let the eggs set for 14 minutes to harden.  Place the cooked eggs in a bowl of cold water and let them completely cool (about 10 minutes).  Carefully peel the eggs and slice in half and remove the yolks.  In a small food processor, place the yolks, mayonnaise, vinegar, pepper, paprika, food coloring and process until thick and smooth.  Spoon 2 tablespoons of the yolk filling into each egg half.  Using a fork, draw lines through the filling and sprinkle with paprika.  Add the chive stem. The eggs can be covered and refrigerated up to a day. Makes 16 halves. 

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